Mantra Meditation

A mantra is an “instrument of thought,” a way of focusing the mind through sound and repetition.  Mantras were originally practiced as part of the Vedic religion of ancient India, where the sound of the Sanskrit language was thought to have a mystical power, and chanting was an important religious ritual.  These sounds can be prayers or a technique for meditation, making the mind more spacious by dwelling on them, whether the literal meaning is known or not.  Today people use affirmations as mantras, or they may use just a single word such as “peace” or “joy”.  Some use the sound Ohm (or Om) which is said to be the most powerful, since it includes all sounds, the supreme ultimate, the source of creation, and everything else.  The six syllables “Om mani padme hum,” make up a mantra that especially appeals to me.  The syllables are beautiful just as sounds, but knowing the meaning helps get even more out of their repetition.  Each of the syllables is to focus us on a specific quality: generosity, ethics, patience, diligence, renunciation, and wisdom.  It is wonderful to have tools to bring goodness to the forefront of my mind!


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